What the students say about building positive relationships with teachers

When I began this journey, I decided to interview some of my former students and athletes to gain insight and demonstrate the importance of building positive relationships with students. After all, at the end of the day, they are the ones who matter. Here’s what they have to say.

A Grade 11 student living in the UK with a mixed background speaks highly about the support and guidance she received, emphasizing the balance between being demanding and having a caring approach that helped her achieve the grades she was aiming for. Similarly, a Grade 8 student at that time mentions how he truly appreciates the positive relationships created with teachers who made an effort to build a good rapport with the students. He highlights how this motivation encouraged him to put more effort into those lessons.

IIn the Caribbean, there was a Grade 12 student who was in her last year before University. I remember her as such a talented student, but unable to unlock her potential. She highlights how this approach to teaching, based on building positive relationships with the students, was a life-changing experience for her. Finally, she could grow her self-confidence, which not only enabled her to achieve one of the best grades in the country in her Spanish National exams but also to continue to shine in her project after school to become a doctor abroad.

Still on the exotic beaches of the Bahamas, I met this young man in Grade 8. Struggling academically and showing some behavioral issues, I wasn’t able to help him succeed academically straight away. However, I forged a positive connection that he still remembers. He mentions how the sacrifice of a teacher moving to a different country to help and care for students he did not know before was more significant than Spanish; it was a masterclass in leadership from a great person who motivated him to strive in the future. And strive he did, becoming one of the most brilliant young entrepreneurs in the USA. Man, I did not see that coming. That’s why we should never give up; always keep believing in them.

The last star I am going to mention in this section is a German student based in Thailand who was not indeed my student but a member of my football team. She wants to remark how she felt those teachers who really cared and who were asking about her well-being and how things were going, and actually meant this. She says it was really open for her to open up to those teachers, and this helped her to go through the difficult last years of IB. She hopes the future of education is heading in this direction as she can only think of good memories from that time.

Why is it important?

Why is it important?

I strongly believe that building positive relationships with our students is key if we want to help them succeed academically and most importantly develop themselves as a person, but why?

Firstly, when there is a good rapport between teacher and student, it just makes the whole learning thing way more enjoyable. Students are more likely to speak up in class, ask questions, and actually pay attention. Plus, when the student feel like the teacher actually cares about them, it is a serious motivator factor. The students not just doing the work because they have to; they are doing it because they want to impress someone who believes in them. Plus, when the students know they have their teacher’s support and there is not judgment, it is more likely they push themselves and try new things.

When you have built a positive relationships with the kids, it makes an impact not only in the learning but also in their general wellbeing. We are there to cheer them on, give them advice, and help them through tough times. That kind of support can make a huge difference, especially when they are facing challenges in school. When students feel comfortable, supported, and trusted by their teachers, it lays a solid foundation for academic success. They are more inclined to participate in class, take on challenges, and push themselves further. Essentially, when students know their teachers care about them, it sets the stage for improved academic performance and personal growth.

When the teacher does not build a positive relationship witht he students they are just not as into it and they may zone out during class. And here’s the thing, when there is not a positive teacher-student connection, student start losing motivation and questioning the teacher or themselves, feeling less confident, and that can seriously affect their performance. That is why it is no surprise that students tend to fall behind when they are not feeling the love from their teacher.

We have superpowers 💪

I have a little girl in my homeroom (Grade 6) who is a writer. Not long ago she shared one of her stories and I really enjoyed reading it. This happened today in class:

– Me: “Ey, after I read your story I got inspired by you and I bought a notebook to start writing”

– Student: “really?” With her eyes really opened.

– Me: “Sure, do you want to see it?”

I took the notebook and the special pen I bought to start writing on it and she opened her mouth like she could not believe her eyes. 

Then I said, “Yes, you have been an inspiration for me, and smiled at her”
This put the biggest smile on her face and she left the room after class over the moon feeling really proud of herself 😀

Be very aware of your words towards your students because the reality is that…

We have superpowers 💪